Tag Archive: abortion

Something to Say

I haven’t been posting anything of substance for quite some time.  I haven’t run out of substance, but sometimes there’s just nothing left to say.

I don’t have to explain how backwards this society is or how corrupt politics and the media are.  Everyone knows that whoever has the most money wins.  People know alcohol is more harmful than marijuana.  I bet you even know that if we stopped killing each other and invested in education and technology, that there would  be no need for abortions.

So what is there to say, really?

I’m so tired of words.  I just want to get out there and do things.  I want to do research. I want to understand why we keep choosing to be this way.

I want to understand why I choose this.

Is Life Sacred?

I like to find inconsistencies in concepts, so today I will be looking at things such as abortion, euthanasia, culture, spirituality, and other things involved in life. This is all just opinion, so no need to get rowdy. Be prepared for this to turn into a rant.

Is life sacred?

I don’t like to make assumptions, but I am willing to bet there are a lot of people here who will answer “Yes.” to that question.

First, let’s look at what life is. It is a biological process as well as a spiritual journey.

I will go as far as to say, I think we are all part of a greater wisdom–one which we’ll never completely understand as we are right now, a higher order that does not reward, doesn’t punish, and does not judge. This is what I feel spirit is. We all have spirit, we are all extensions of this higher order, let’s just call it the cosmos for the time being.

So we live with a balance (or imbalance) of mind, body, and spirit. Spirit is what connects us. Bodies are what physically separate us, and minds separate the consciousness from individual to individual. However, body and mind can also be used in Oneness. Love, sex, shared beliefs, shared experiences, shared knowledge. So it can go in either direction. Alright, back to the topic at hand.

Understanding the connection we share, we can acknowledge that all living things have that connection, whether on this planet or planet X, whether it’s in the third dimension or the tenth. All That Is has this connection.

As the cosmos unfold, and life begins, and evolves, we find ourselves here in the wake of consciousness. In this sense, any creature could be considered to also be in the wake of consciousness. All things exist in a cosmic or spiritual sense before taking place in the physical realm.

Life and death is a phasing process. You phase in, you phase out, you existed before you were physical and you exist after you are physical. The spirit part of you is timeless, has always been, will always be, and will always be waking up to different levels and multitudes of awareness.

So where does life being sacred come in? Don’t cats eat mice? Don’t birds eat worms? Don’t deer eat plants? I think that means we shouldn’t kill something if it is out of the process. Don’t kill for pleasure. Kill because you are gaining nourishment from a plant or animal. Use plants medicinally and spiritually. Cut down a tree to build a house. But don’t clear forests to build a mall.

Who made “Life is sacred” up? The living. The dead don’t care.

Euthanasia: I think a person has the right to choose whether they stay here or not. As we all know, the world can be a cruel place–especially if you are confused, have no support, or have fallen gravely ill. Personally, I see more dignity taking my own life than having my feces collected into a colostomy bag and my food fed to me through a tube. I think people should have the option to not being kept alive through technological reprieve. Luckily in the U.S. we can get a DNR/living will, but physician assisted suicide is pretty much illegal wherever you go and highly controversial. I believe Oregon passed a bill allowing euthanasia for extreme medical cases.

Picture on the left: Chantal Sebire, a french woman who developed a facial tumor that caused her to lose her sight, sense of smell, and taste.  The french government would not allow her to seek out physician-assisted suicide.  I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s the government’s place to decide something as delicate as the right to die with dignity.  If I was losing my senses because of cancer pushing through my sinuses, I probably would question the quality of my life too.

Abortion: I’d like to think that it’s altogether wrong, but deep down, I don’t think it is. What if a teenager gets pregnant? There are more teen pregnancies due to the lack of sex education in the home than people realize. Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you’re ready to raise a baby. How about crack babies? I don’t see too many anti-abortionists adopting these kids to raise as their own. That’s something Christ might do. 😛

When exactly is a person considered a person? Is it at conception? Let’s say it is at conception. If life begins when the sperm fertilizes the egg, that means most women are serial killers. More than 80% of fertilized eggs are excreted during those delightful few days of the month. What about fertility clinics? More than 75% of fertilized eggs do not get implanted and wind up down the drain, or ruined due to electric failure (the fridge dies and the fertilized eggs being kept frozen die too). I am just looking for some consistency.

Let’s say it is a person when it is a fetus. They are not counted in the census. When a woman who has 2 kids and is expecting is asked how many kids she has, she’ll say “I have two and one on the way” If a fetus is a person, why doesn’t she say she has three kids? If a fetus is a person, when a mother has a miscarriage, why isn’t there a funeral? If it’s a person, why doesn’t it get a name until after it is born?

Biologically, it is indeed a life that is being killed. But it is undeveloped, has not experienced the world beyond the womb, so is it more accurate to consider something a person once it has been brought forth to experience the world?

So is abortion killing a person (being) or a life (biological), or both? I know it’s one of those things people don’t like talking about, but it is a real issue.

Also, if life is sacred, why don’t we take care of ourselves? Why don’t we take care of the earth and one another? Even the other animals have more sense than we do.  They don’t question what they are or why they’re here.  They simply exist!

Child abuse. Physical, emotional, and projection (baggage from the parents, being dumped on the kid). I have seen a lot of messed up things. To keep it simple, we’re the only species that will batter and abuse it’s young. Sure, hamsters might eat their young, but at least they don’t smack ’em around for a few years and screw them up first. You know what happens if a member of a wolf pack snatches food from a pup, or injures a pup? The rest of the pack (depending on the severity of the incident, and the mood of the alpha) will either kick it out of the pack or it will be killed on the spot. They don’t mess around when it comes to their young. People….people are interesting creatures.

Humans have such a wonderful gift, to be able to think beyond biological processes, to understand the universe, to create marvelous structures, and works of art…and yet, so many people just don’t give a damn. Murder, abuse, racism, discrimination, torture, rape, war, weapons, the very idea that we needed weapons to protect ourselves from one another was a clear indication that we shouldn’t have the technology in the first place.

Folks, we may have science and technology, but as a species, we fail. But that’s okay too…more than 90% of species that have ever existed on this planet are extinct now. Someday, we’ll be just another genetic accident that disappeared off the face of the earth. Appreciate what you’ve got, and hopefully once we’re gone we won’t leave much of a trace. Plastic and Styrofoam here and there, but I’m sure the earth can incorporate the wastes into a new paradigm. The earth is a self-correcting system. It doesn’t hold the same view as we do. All creatures on earth are it’s children, whether it is a mineral, plant, animal, bird, or even human.

Although we’ve probably defiled the earth more than any other species (that we know of), we still share the human experience. Whether you think it is good or bad, or neither…I think things simply are. It’s what you as an individual choose to do with your experience, that makes meaning. You can dwell on the bad things, you can try to fix them, you can ignore them, but the fact is, it doesn’t go away. As long as there are individuals who struggle to feel complete and whole on their own, it will manifest itself in number and action within society. It’s all about how you deal with it (or don’t).

I don’t know about you, but I stopped investing emotion and attachment in the outcome of this species a long time ago. But I won’t let that keep me from making choices and participating with others. That is the beauty about being an individual, you don’t have to be alone. You can share what you know, you can learn from other individuals, you can establish similarities and friendships…and just the same, you can choose to stay to yourself.

I say that biologically speaking, life has been proven throughout history and each day still, that it is not sacred. It is the experience of life that is sacred.

Summary: We prove every day that we don’t care about the quality of life, so life is not sacred.  As long as we suffer ourselves and one another and take lives, how can life possibly be sacred?  Life is a happy accident until you get hit with a nuclear bomb or bullet,  or develop cancer. Deal with it.  I wouldn’t worry too much about fetuses and embryos when we can’t even take care of ourselves.

End of rant.